G'day all,
Here are the available dates for tabletop games in May. There aren't as many as previous months because of some personal commitments on the part of the Designers. If you can't find a game date during May, let us know and we'll find something for you in early June. Currently we're looking at doing the next LARP in late July (probably the last weekend) so if the last May games run in early June and the last June games run in early July, it won't be an issue.
Let us know what dates your group would like.
Sat May 7th 1200-1600 Sat May 7th 1900-2300 Sun May 8th 1200-1600 Mon May 9th 1900-2300 Wed May 11th 1900-2300 Fri May 13th 1900-2300 Sat May 14th 1200-1600 Sun May 15th 1900-2300 Mon May 16th 1900-2300 Tue May 17th 1900-2300 Wed May 18th 1900-2300 Mon May 23rd 1900-2300 Wed May 25th 1900-2300 Fri May 27th 1900-2300 Sat May 28th 1200-1600 Sun May 29th 1200-1600 Sun May 29th 1900-2300 Mon May 30th 1900-2300 Tue May 31st 1900-2300