Welcome to The Unbound Forums. These forums will be used to communicate details about upcoming games or other events, major happenings in the setting of the game, as well as providing another option for roleplaying. If you haven't done so already, please register on the forums.
Also, a date has been set for the trial game - December 4th. The venue is yet to be confirmed but we are currently looking at using the NSW Writers Society in Rozelle. This will be confirmed closer to the date. The intent of the trial game is to test the overall concept of the game. A lot of potential players are not overly familiar with the setting, and we'd like to see how that translates in to the game (ie - we're hoping everyone won't be standing around saying "I don't get it"). If everything goes well at this trial, the game will start in ernest at the start of 2011.
The trial game will officially be invite only, but if you'd like to show your interest early on, please feel free to email