I just wanted to give a simple explanation of the acquisition system, and particularly, how it has been adjusted for use in the Unbound. If you have any questions about the system, please feel free to ask.
Every group has a profit factor which was determined during the warrant creation part of character creation. Basically, whenever you want to acquire an item, you simply need to roll under your profit value on a d100. So if your profit factor is 24, you have a base 24% chance of acquiring the item you are after.
Of course modifiers are applied to this role based upon how rare the item you are after is, how good a quality item you are after, and how many you are trying to acquire. In the case of most personal items, there is a +30% modifier for only trying to acquire a single item.
People may ask why one would want a hundred lasguns, but you need to keep in mind that the PCs are responsible for the supplies of their ships and crews… it’s all good to have a crew of 30,000, but when you take an honour guard down to the surface of a planet with your Rogue Trader and they are dressed in rags and carrying a bunch of makeshift tools wielded as weapons – things quickly start to fall apart.
Each game cycle, every member of a crew can make a single acquisition test with no penalty (other than the usual ones for rarity and quality). Each subsequent test after the first incurs a cumulative -10% penalty. Additionally, each request for the same item incurs an additional -10% penalty, even if taken by another member of the crew.
So, if person A wants to acquire a common quality plasma pistol (-20% very rare item, +30% single item only, +0% common quality = +10% modifier), using their profit factor of 24, they will need to roll under 34%.
The same person wants to then acquire enough lasguns to equip a ten man squad (+20% common item, +10% ten to thirty items, +0% common quality, -10% second roll in the cycle = +20%) they would have a target number of 44%.
Imagining that the person failed the second roll and wanted to try again (+20% common item, +10% ten to thirty items, +0% common quality, -20% third roll in cycle, -10% second roll for the same item = +0%) the target number would then be 24%.
Now Person B from the same crew wants to also roll for the lasguns as Person A failed both rolls (+20% common item, +10% ten to thirty items, +0% common quality, -20% third roll for the same item = +10%) they would need to roll under 34%, even though it was their first roll of the cycle.
Rolls will be taken in the order that people present to the designers (ie – it won’t be a case of waiting for everyone to make their first rolls before people make their second rolls), so it may be advisable for groups to plan out their acquisitions before they start approaching designers.
Where the group is at the time the acquisition roll is made will determine whether the items are received instantly, or at the end of the cycle.
Ships and ship components do not benefit from bonuses for taking limited numbers, and any ship component can only be rolled for once by any crew in a cycle. If the crew is successful in acquiring the component they are after, they will need to sit out the cycle following the one they are currently playing as they leave the expanse to return to an imperial facility and have the ship retrofitted. This requirement will change once a similar facility is either located or constructed within the expanse.
Also, repeatedly greasing the same palms and shaking the same trees can have an additional detrimental effect. Any time a penalty is incurred for multiple rolls in the same cycle, or multiple rolls for the same item, there is an equivalent chance that the acquisition test will attract unwanted attention.
So in the above tests there was no chance with Player A’s first roll, 10% with their second, 30% with their third and 20% with Player B’s first. Each roll will be made individually by the designers (not cumulatively) and if something occurs, the designers will determine what sort of unwanted attention has been attracted.