This here thread is intended as a repository for costuming links, as well as pictures, how to’s and useful bit’s and pieces.
So you’re a newbie to the 40K verse and have no idea of what things look like?
Google Image Search is your friend, as is the
Games Workshop website and the wiki
Lexicanum. Given the wealth of material (Official and fan made) out there there’s no shortage whatsoever of inspiration for you.
The photo galleries for the UK LARP
Death unto Darkness are well worth checking out, as is the 40K costuming forum
Obscurus Crusade. And for those with a lot of time and technical expertise I’ve seen a guy who made his own
Terminator Chaplain suit! I look forward to players trying to top it, with some already making a damn good start on that.
Got a character concept now? Good –
go nuts. The 40K verse is massive and can accommodate all manner of things. Some branches of the Imperium have a basic uniform, like Imperial Guard regiments or the red robes of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but there’s plenty of room to make yourself stand out. Such things can range from military dress uniform to priests robes to look, just use your imagination and it’ll work. Things like long robes, greatcoats and cloaks never go astray though.
Props wise big and chunky is the go – staves, books (None of this paperback nonsense, I mean ones you can beat people to death with), walking sticks and gadgets – preferably with lights on fit the universe. As for decorations – too much is
barely enough. These can range from tattoos, scars and military decorations to devotional icons or purity seals for the more pious of you. Pouches, bandoleers, bandanas and shoulder bags can be used if you need to carry kit. And yes, the Rule of Awesome is most definitely in effect.
Both your character’s class and home world can help inform your costuming. From a Fortress World? Odds are you’ll be in uniform. At the other end of the spectrum the iconic Death World, Catachan, seems to produce Rambo clones. Feel free to break the stereotype though – that can make things more interesting. The scummier types normally resemble an Mad Max/Escape from New York crossover, while the nobility are clad in the finest (Read: flamboyant) clothing known to mankind.
Ebay is, as always your friend (Or enemy depending on budget) and
Etsy has a lot of steampunk gear and holsters for Nerf guns. For those looking for armour motor cross and paintball/airsoft kit sprayed up works wonders, while those looking for more bulk in the shoulders American football gear is cheaper (And safer!) than steroids.
Closer to home
Gallery Serpentine and
The Dark Angel are good for coats and gothic wear (A Rogue Trader not impeccably dressed? For shame!), while
Kinky Angel (Stop it!) have some gorgeous looking Napoleonic style jackets, as well as numerous other pieces of garb.
Lastly, it wouldn’t be the 40K verse if we didn’t mention weapons. While not technically necessary as it’s a non combat freeform there’s nothing so satisfying as toting a huge hand cannon about. The current range of Nerf guns can, with some sandpaper, paint and plasticard, look incredibly 40K while the new water guns they’re doing look so much like flamers it’s not funny. Heck, there’s even one that’s a bazooka. A freakin’ BAZOOKA.
That should help you get’s things going – further contributions are welcome.