With the release of the new book, we've decided to close the vote and make a final decision on how the new material will be integrated.
- Existing ships will not be retroactively changed, but can be modified with new components using the normal acquisition system in game.
- New components and weapons from Battlefleet Koronus will not be available to new groups at creation, but any of these components are available to existing groups after game #104 in April.
- New hulls will be available to new groups at creation. However, they may not take any hull size larger than cruiser, and any hull which comes pre-fitted with new components (ie - torpedo bays) will not be available to new groups at creation.
We figure that this allows for more variety in starting ships without giving any groups an unfair advantage. Additionally, obtaining a larger hull like a Battlecruiser or Grand Cruiser remains a special achievement.