The Unbound Forum |
A message about System Gravitas 823 543 |
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Author: | Terezi Malaclypse [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | A message about System Gravitas 823 543 |
Approximately 15 days after the Aurora Glorificus leaves the previous subsector, Rogue Traders will receive an encrypted message via astropathic communication: "Warning: Evidence found of widespread reanimation of the dead within this subsector. (Xeno or Here)Technological, not Warp sorcery. Possibly infectious - present, dormant, in some native inhabitants of subsector, only catalysed upon, or after death (or other unknown trigger). Recommendation: Cremate (or at least behead) any crew who die. May not stop them being infectious, but probably stops them attacking you. Will bring sample in stasis chamber for your tech priests to examine next gathering - one time only, examination to occur in discrete labstation, labstation to be incinerated following examination. Addendum: Apparently an explorator fleet turned (was always?) Heretek, but you should probably ask the crew who came into contact with them for more details. Much love, Vulgrim" |
Author: | Brother Simeon [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: A message about System Gravitas 823 543 |
Sent some weeks later Supplement to previously issued warning:
Reccomendation: Supported. Additional suggestion - quarantine individuals likely to come in close contact where possible (scouts, etc) In conclusion, let us recall the glorious words of the Imperial Creed - "Some place their trust in warships, and some in weapons of destruction. But we remember the divine Emperor. They are brought down and fallen; but we are risen and victorious." |
Author: | gargoyal [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:16 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: A message about System Gravitas 823 543 |
A transmission is sent from Alabaster Hammer. Explorators of the Mechanicus. You will likely or have come into contact with reanimated dead humanoids. The Alabaster Hammer have encountered forms at least similar to that encountered by the Aurora Glorificus and the Morituri te Salutamus.
Caution is always required, watch those of the flesh. The Machine God will guide and protect. Further information will be provided at a later date. |
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