To: Lord Solar commanding, Port Scorn Source: Morituri te Salutamus, Astropathic Choir Code Encryption: Ultima Extremis System Reference: C3 Subject header: Request for Escort
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My Lord Solar.
The Morituri te Salutamus and Alabaster Hammer will shortly be transiting to the Souls Cry system (ref: B8) with a vital item of war materiel in tow. The Morituri is heavily damaged, and capable only of the slowest of speeds, and I consider the protection of this item of utmost importance to Imperial security in the region. It must be delivered into Naval hands at the soonest juncture.
It is without hyperbole that I say that its safe recovery is easily as important as the liberation of Dimmamar. As that planet may serve to boost our spirits, so our discovery may serve to boost the might of the Imperium.
I regret I cannot offer more detail. Though sent under the most extreme of codes, any interception and translation could already put the reconquest of this sector in peril. Once this operation is complete and the material safely under the guns of the fleet, a full after action report will follow.
Thought for the Day: For he to-day that sheds his blood with me. Shall be my brother.
_________________ Lord Admiral Kresimir Alexius Valinger-Hawkwood Bearer of a Warrant of Trade Morituri te Salutamus aka David Hollingworth