To: Magister Marshall Praetus Callidon, of the Adeptus Arbites From: Lord Admiral Kresimir Alexius Valinger-Hawkwood Signal Source: Mort System, Valinger Landing.
My esteemed Magister.
While I am saddened that it has taken matters of sabotage and criminality to draw an Arbites presence into the Sector, I welcome the arrival of this most staunch arm of the Adeptus. If I can be of any assistance, it is offered as one servant of the Immortal Emperor of Mankind to another.
However, I would also like to extend an invitation. The Valinger dynasty has established a colony and mission on the newly re-discovered world of Mort. These poor benighted souls are still faithful, and have not forgotten their duty to the Creed; yet this settlement may benefit from an Arbites presence. Whether you would wish to establish a Precinct on Mort, or merely include it in your patrol routes, I would consider the colony doubly blessed.
I remain your servant,
Lord Admiral, etc
Thought for the Day: Heresy grows from idleness.
_________________ Lord Admiral Kresimir Alexius Valinger-Hawkwood Bearer of a Warrant of Trade Morituri te Salutamus aka David Hollingworth