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Trial Game Complete - Sunday December 5th, 2010
Last night the trial game of The Unbound took place in Rozelle. Baring a few unavoidable complications such as the power in the building going out halfway through the game, it was overall a success. Images of the game are now up on the gallery. Players from the trial and other interested people should be sure to check it out.

Moving forward, the current planned date for the first regular Unbound game is Saturday January 29th 2011. This may change once the designers have a chance to get together, run a post-mortem of the trial game and set down some additional planning for the campaign. The first game is still planned to be another LARP, though after that the tabletop games will begin.

The designers will be contacting players over the next several weeks to finalise details for the first game, such as resolving character creation. Make sure you keen an eye on the Facebook group and on the forums for more information as it becomes available.

Thank you once again to Nick, Leigh, Damon and Karl, all of whom helped the trial game by playing NPCs, and of course thank you to the players who came along and gave us a chance to test out our idea.


Details for Games - Wednesday November 3rd, 2010
Planning is well underway for the start of The Unbound. We have organised to hold our proof-of-concept game on the 4th of December at the NSW Writer's Centre in Rozelle. Invitations to this game have already gone out so details such as a recap and pictures will be posted here at the conclusion of the trial game.

Provided everything goes well with this game, we'll be looking to run our first open live action event at the end of January. We'll then a series of tabletop sessions in February and March with a view to running the second live action in early April. The wargame component will likely start in March or April based upon the activities of the first few roleplaying games.

For those of you who are conversent with the Rogue Trader system, additional rules have been posted on the joining page to explain the character creation process.


The Unbound Website Now Open - Saturday October 9th, 2010
Welcome to the new Unbound website. For those of you here on your first visit, The Unbound is a conceptual multiformat gaming experience intended for relase in January 2011. The intention of the design is to allow multiple players to particate in one or multiple forms of gaming and all have an influence on an overall narrative. The setting for the game is the Warhammer 40,000 universe created by Games Workshop, which is basically a futuristic world with a gothic steampunk feel.

Watch this site for more information as the game becomes a reality over the coming months. Currently the design team plans to present an invite-only proof of concept game in early December. If this turns out to be a success, the project will see release at the start of the new year.

Join up with our Facebook group for updates, though we will shortly be including an RSS feed on this website.